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Book Excerpt 1

    “I am waiting for an answer, Miss Deveraux.”

    Her hands slipped from his face, but he grabbed them before they fell.

    “Lost for words, are we?”

    Under his challenging stare, all her prior bravado had left her. She nodded. “I can’t believe you’re serious?”

    “And why not? Why should I not take the opportunity to fight for you when you are so quick and willing to offer yourself to my morally bankrupt brother? What kind of gentleman would I be just to sit back and watch you sacrifice yourself to the wicked wolf? No, Gwen, I won’t accept your friend request. I choose to throw my hat in the ring. I am not one to back away from a challenge, especially not one I know I can win.”

    With that, Blake dragged her into his strong arms, trapping her against the hard, bare muscles of his chest. His lips covered hers in a possessive and passionate kiss. Instinctively, Gwen melted into his arms, but soon, sense returned. She broke their embrace and pushed free of him. His smirk in return was both triumphant and charming.

    Gwen panted heavily, breathless with a heady mixture of lust and fury. She glared at him, assessing him from a safe distance. “You, sir,” she told him as she fought to catch her breath, “are the wolf. And it’s you I’ll have to learn to keep my distance from.”

    Blake’s laughter in response only incited her anger.

    “I’d like to see you try,” he told her.

Book Excerpt 2

    Cal was flabbergasted. What had happened? What had he missed?

    Then, distracted by her outburst, he made another mistake and his grip on Lucy’s wrist loosened slightly. As if sensing his lapse in control, she used the whole weight of her small frame to jerk herself free of his hold and with a triumphant sigh she began to back away.

    “So, you orchestrated this together, did you? What, did you seduce Maddy too? Why can’t you just leave me alone?”

    Cal’s gaze narrowed with concern. “What are you talking about, Luce?”

    Worried that she’d run before he had a chance to explain, Cal reached out and took a step toward her. But, Lucy immediately backed farther away, taking two steps for his single stride.

    “What did you give her to make her finally tell you where I was?”

    Her fiery glare was enough to make his fingers ache to touch her, to soothe her. He hated seeing her in so much distress.

    “Nothing.” His voice was calm, pacifying. “She didn’t tell me.”

    Lucy frowned and her gaze dropped from his, confusion clearly clouding her expression.

    “But I—” She shook her head with irritation and glanced back up at him. “But how did you know that I’d be here?”

    Cal smiled as he remembered the moment of pure serendipity, the second he’d seen her gorgeous face on the team’s profile page on the Insight Marketing website. Executive Manager Lucy S., it had read. Cal had tried searching the internet for her before, but to no avail. There had always been too many Lucy Spencers and he’d been convinced that she must have altered her name. Yet, this time he’d found her, so simply found her, as though the universe had finally pointed her out to him.

    “Fate,” he said confidently.

Book Excerpt 3

    Erica’s breath caught in her throat. She glanced down at the back of her bare wrist as though checking the dial on a watch. “Look at the time,” she exclaimed. “It’s too late for a deep and meaningful. Sorry.” She stepped closer and tried to reach around him for the door handle.

    As her hand wedged between the cold metal of the door and the firmness of his butt cheek, she found herself staring into his ardent gaze, her lips barely a breath from his.

    “I know it’s not too late for this,” he told her as he touched his warm hands to her jaw, her neck, pulling her to him, his mouth meeting hers in a sensual bite.

    Erica got lost in the sensation, in the hungry but seductive dance of his tongue as it caressed her, in the taste of him, the intoxicating smell of his skin. Her whole body throbbed, her breasts swelling, aching to be touched, while the twinge deep in her belly craved to have those kisses placed somewhere much lower.

    When he ended the kiss, he slipped his hands down around her waist to lock her body against his. Erica felt completely dazed, her head swooning from the passionate attack. Matt placed another gentle peck to her lips and tried to catch her gaze as her eyes fluttered open.

    “What were you saying?”

    Once her wits had returned, she glared at him. “I hate you.”

    “I feel the same way.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

Book Excerpt 4
Caught by Him row-1-column-1(4).png

    “Willa?” Brody forced open the door. Concern covered his handsome expression as his gaze met hers and then found Hayden’s. “I hope I’m not interrupting?”

    With his tall, muscular physique encased in dark denim jeans and a black shirt, he presented an aura of toughness and handsomeness Hayden just couldn’t match.

    “Hi, I’m Brody. Willa’s—” Brody glanced at her, eyebrows furrowing for a split-second, and then returned his attention to Hayden. “—neighbor and you are?”

    “None of your business,” Hayden snapped as he tried to push his way in between her and Brody.

    Willa quickly pushed him back. “This—is Hayden,” she explained and saw Brody nod in understanding.

    “Yeah, her boyfriend, buddy,” Hayden quipped. “So you can just back off.”

    “That’s not what I’ve heard.” Brody’s voice was calm but his eyes flickered in challenge.

    “What did you say?” Hayden stepped forward, fury distorting his attractive features. Willa struggled to get between the two of them.

    Brody smiled slyly. “It was lovely to meet you, Hayden, but I’m afraid Willa and I already have plans for this afternoon. So, if you wouldn’t mind…” With a nod of his head he gestured toward the door. “I think we’d like to have some time alone.”

Book Excerpt 5
A Natural Passion row-2-column-1.png

    Opening the trunk, Kyra threw her stuff beside the other bags and a packed tent, before closing it and coming around to open the passenger-side door. As Kyra placed her foot on the side step, ready to climb into the vehicle, she glanced up at the driver.

    Dylan’s handsome face grinned at her as he turned down the radio’s volume. “Ready to go on your first stake-out?”

    She paused for a split-second. Her heart raced at the surprise, before lowering her bottom to the cushioned seat. “I thought I was rostered with Sandra?”

    He frowned. “Max hasn’t told you?”

    She sighed, unable to hide her disappointment. “Sandra can’t make it?”

    He nodded as he jerked the gearstick out of park and drove slowly up the long driveway toward Mon Repos Road. “Belle’s too sick to be left with a babysitter and Sandra’s ex is back at the mine in Dawson this week.” After pulling out onto the bitumen of the minor road, Dylan glanced quickly in her direction. “I’d thought about saying no, but there was no one else to do the shift at the last minute.”

    A tug of remorse pulled at her belly. Even though she’d been avoiding him to have some time to get her own thoughts and feelings in order, she hadn’t meant for him to feel forced to do the same. It wasn’t as though she didn’t want his company. She couldn’t tell if the feelings she had were true and she didn’t trust herself around him.

    “I’m glad you didn’t,” she looked over at him quickly, “say no, I mean.”

Book Excerpt 6
Finding His Zen row-2-column-1(6).png

    Zen pounded her fist into the big, spongy pad again and again, each whack pushing Seb’s shoulders and upper body back with the momentum, his biceps bulging as he fought to keep the protective gear in place. Finishing five, she switched her feet, altering her posture and started on the next set with her left. Each time a grunt of exertion or a huffed exhale left Seb’s lips, Zen’s grin grew larger. Once she’d completed the display with her final punch, she straightened and gave Seb a look of satisfaction when he sighed in relief and did the same.

    “There you have it,” he told the attentive gathering, puffing slightly. “Now, it’s your turn, but remember it’s technique over speed.”

    As those in the bootcamp class began pummeling their partners, the thuds and slaps on the pads mixing with laughter and chatter, Seb turned to Zenia.

    “If I’m not mistaken, you were trying to topple me.” He eyed her warily.

    Grin still wide, she shrugged. “It was worth a try.”

    “And if I had actually fallen over?” He asked.

    Impishness twinkled in her dark gaze. “I would have laughed and thought the karma had been well deserved.”

    “It’s not exactly karma when you’re the one hitting me,” Seb teased, nodding at her boxing gloves.

    “No,” she bunted her gloved fists together. “But maybe it would have made you think twice the next time you went to kiss me without my permission.”

    “So, you’re sore about that then? I thought it might still have to do with the Lexy thing.”

    Zen tilted her head. “All of the above.”

    When he went to answer her, she pointed a glove-covered hand at their audience and Seb quickly realized the walloping sounds of punching had stopped.

Book Excerpt 7

    Sophie gestured to her mother. “I’m going to take my things inside.” As she dragged her suitcase towards the stairs leading to the cabin’s small veranda, she felt warm fingers lock around hers.

    “Let me give you a hand.” Jack was at her side again, pulling at the luggage handle.

    “No, thank you. I can do it myself.” Sophie yanked the suitcase closer in an attempt to discourage him, but he only followed the movement.

    Warmth radiated from his body as he loomed over her, forcing her to raise her chin and meet his eyes. His closeness was so disconcerting. She remembered that kiss again. She wondered what it would be like to kiss him now. Her eyes lingered on his soft pink lips.

    “I’m just trying to be neighbourly.” Jack’s smooth voice was nearly a purr.

    Sophie yanked her gaze free of his distractingly perfect features and cut a glance back to the others. “Then maybe you should be helping someone who needs it.” Her family stood by the trunk of the car, where several heavy bags still waited.

    When she turned back to Jack, Sophie noticed his gaze drift over her body before his beguiling eyes met hers again.

    “Don’t worry, there’s plenty of me to go around,” he told her.

    His smug grin irritated her. “Get a clue, Jack. I don’t want your help.”

    Pain flickered in his expression. “It’s been twenty years, Soph. Talk to me for five minutes.”

    “You stopped talking to me first,” she growled, knowing how childish it sounded.

    “Sophie,” her mother chided.

    Ignoring them both, Sophie jerked the suitcase forward again but couldn’t dislodge Jack’s hold. She tried pulling her fingers from beneath his hand, but his grip only tightened.

    “I’m not denying it happened, Soph,” he told her. “But we can’t change the past, and I think we should move on. I know I’m different from the naive boy I was back then. Perhaps you could find it in your heart to try?”

    “Perhaps you could start with an apology?” The words left her lips before she’d thought them through. She knew she’d likely cry if he tried to apologise.

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All landscape photos have been taken by Tammy Mannersly
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